America Nepal Helping Society is registered non-profit organization based in Northern Virginia near Washington DC. It is a community based organization serving in Nepal and United States of America who need assistance in the community for Nepali cultural and Nepali language. Now, in combination with Cross Cultural Journeys Foundation, a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization located in Northern Virginia.

It was founded in July of 2008, by Nepali Community in Manassas, Virginia with the seventeen board members, mostly from the region of Northern Virginia. Our mission to promote and  preserve Nepali socio-cultural value in the USA. Provide help for Nepalese and American on educational field. Main activities are organizing Nepali cultural and education programs in USA. Provide supports for individuals or organization to promote Nepali Cultural/Educational activities. Raise fund for the charitable purposes in the USA and Nepal. Arrange different competitions and interactions among Nepalese students for their educational development. Organize annual events like “Teej”, “New Year”, “Dashai” and “Tihar” etc.

Please Donate for ANHS 

                                                                                                                            Click on Donate to make Contribution!!

Please make difference in community by participating in our common goal to make our community better and sound.


Dear All,

Thank you for participation at our organization’s annual health fair. It was a pleasure to have you at the event. We provided services for 120 People this year. I think I can speak on behalf of all our 7 Nepali physicians Dr. Anil Suwal, Dr.Guna Subedi, Dr. Sapna Mainali, Dr. Roshan Mainali, Dr. Prasant Koirala, Dr. Lilly K.C., Dr. Prakash Phuyal, volunteers ANHS Chief Patron Madhu Panthi, who is the key person for this event who provided space, financial contribution and management of the event. Advisors and financial contributors Mr. Tilak Kharel and Gopal Regmi, key volunteers Advisors Dr. Anup Pahari PhD, Kamal Bhattarai, Bijay Thapa,Vijay Ojha, and team members Shiva Timsina, Rom Gyawali, Mohan Nirauala, Madhu Aryal, Prava Bhattarai Deauja, Sujita Khadka and Whole Team from ANHS for special role and back up force on this event in addition to financial contributions. Altmed Medical Center’s Manager Madhu Panthi, Clinician David Mejia who help us July 29th and August 5th and Dr. Jerry K Lee M.D. who provided space for service also Financial contribution, Which made a huge difference for our Nepali community members wellness experience. I would like to personally say thank you for your patience and time because we had overwhelming flow of patients. In 8 hours, we provided 120 community members; medical consulting, Laboratory services results interpretation, and Electrocardiography. Drawing blood a week early provided us time to give medical consultation and interpretation for the health fair in advance.I hope that we can continue working together in the efforts of educating our community members on a healthy lifestyle and developing true wellness in their personal and professional lives.

We look forward to having you join us for our Nepali cultural Teej program on August 19th, 2017 at Camp William B Snyder, in the Stephan G Marriott Dinning Hall at

6100 Antioch Road , Haymarket VA 20169.

Thank you again for your time and I look forward to future opportunities to working together.

Kind Regards,

Kamala Kharel


America Nepal Helping Society

Some Clicks of the event:


अमेरिका नेपाल शिक्षा सदनको प्रथम बार्षिक उत्सव सम्पन्न

अमेरिकामा जन्मेका तथा नेपाली बालबालिकाहरुका लागि भाषा संस्कृति तथा नेपाल परिचय सम्बन्धी मुख्य लक्ष्य लिएर स्थापना भएको अमेरिका नेपाल सहयोगी समाज द्वारा फेब्रुअरी ६ ,२०१६ देखि संचालित अमेरिका नेपाल शिक्षा सदनको प्रथम बार्षिक उत्सव विविध कार्यक्रम साथ सम्पन्न भएको छ l

डिसी महानगर क्षेत्रको मनासस क्षेत्रमा स्थापित गैर मुनाफा सामाजिक संस्था अमेरिका नेपाल सहयोगी समाजको शिक्षा संकायको अमेरिका नेपाल शिक्षा सदनले पढाउने जिम्मेवार लिएको हो l गत बर्ष सरस्वती पूजामा अमेरिका नेपाल शिक्षा सदनको नेपाली विद्यालय सञ्चालनमा आएको हो l

बिगत एक बर्ष पहिला देखि स्थापित यो प्रतिष्ठानले प्रत्येक हप्ता नेपाली समुदायका बालबालिकाहरुका लागि भाषा संस्कृती,नैतिक शिक्षा तथा नेपाल परिचय सम्वन्धी कक्षा सन्चालन गर्दै आइरहेको छ l

आज भएको उक्त बार्षिक उत्सवको भिडियोहरु :

आज भएको उक्त बार्षिक उत्सवको सभापतित्व पदम राज रेग्मीले गरेका थिए भने उदय राज वस्ताकोटी प्रमुख अतिथि रहेका थिए l कार्यक्रम नेपाल र अमेरिकाको राष्ट्रिय गीत बाट त्यहि पाठशालामा पढ्ने बिद्यार्थीहरुले गाएका थिए l कार्यक्रममा खेम संग्रौलाले जहाँ छन् बुद्ध का आँखा भन्ने गीत प्रस्तुत गरेका थिए भने पाठशालाका बिद्यार्थीहरु अनुश्री अधिकारी ,आभानी गौतम ,कन्चन दाहाल ,चाहत तिम्शिना तथा शुनोभा पौडेलले कति माया लाग्छ नि भन्ने गीत सामुहिक रुपमा गएका थिए l यसै गरि हास्य व्यंग्य नृत्य सुमिना तथा सीश्रीक्षाको बेजोड प्रस्तुति रहेको थियो l

बार्षिक प्रतिवेदन रोम ज्ञवालीले प्रस्तुत गरेका थिए भने शिक्षकको तर्फ बाट भुपाल पौडेलले मन्तब्य राखेका थिए l यसै गरि आभानी गौतम ,आश्विनी ,काजल ,सुनिता ,सुमिना,सिश्रीक्षा ,स्वीकार र श्रेयसि ,सुप्रभा ढुंगाना ,तनुजा ,बिबेचना आदिले नृत्य प्रस्तुत गरेका थिए l यसै गरि पाठशालाका बिद्यार्थी आदित अधिकारीले कविता वाचन समेत गरेका थिए l सम्पूर्ण अभिभावकको तर्फबाट आरती सिग्देल तथा संघ संस्थाको तर्फ बाट गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघ ,भर्जिनिया शाखाका सभापति मुक्ति दवाडीले मन्तब्य राखेका थिए l

कार्यक्रममा अध्ययनरत विद्यार्थीहरुले त्यहि बिद्यालय बाट नेपाली भाषा सिकेर आफैले आफ्नो परिचय तथा आमा बुवाको परिचय दिएका थिए l बार्षिक उत्सवमा आफ्नो प्रतिभा देखाउने र प्रस्तुति गर्ने पाठशालाका बिद्यार्थहरुलाई प्रमाण पत्र समेत वितरण गरिएको थियो l

उक्त नेपाली पाठशालामा नेपालमा शिक्षण पेसामा १-२ दशक सम्म अनुभव बटुलेका शिक्षकले अध्यापन गराई रहेका छन् भने नेपालको अनुभवको साथै अमेरिकाको भर्जिनियाको अनुमति प्राप्त शिक्षकहरु पनि रहेका छन् l बिद्यालयको लागि नेपालको सरकारी तथा निजी बिध्यालयका पाठ्यक्रमका पुस्तक तथा नेपालका युकेजी देखि ३ सम्म का पाठयक्रम अनुसार पढाई जारी रहेको छ l उक्त कार्यक्रम डीसी नेपाली समाज ले १ हजार डलर ,सगुनले ३ सय डलर तथा अन्य नेपाली समुदायका सदस्यहरुले पाठशालाको लागि आर्थिक सहयोगको घोषणा गरेका थिए l

विजय थापा ,वाशिंगटन डिसी – See more at:


तीजको लहर आयो बरिलै!

मनाससमा तीज कार्यक्रम २०७३ मा हार्दिक निमन्त्रणा


अमेरिका नेपाल सहयोगि समाज (America Nepal Helping Society)को आयोजनामा नेपाली महिलाहरूको महान चाड हरितालिका तिज कार्यक्रम अगस्ट २८, २०१६ मा मनासस भर्जिनियामा भब्य आयोजना गरिदै छ। डि सी मेट्रो एरिया र यसको वरपर जतासुकै रहनुहुने सबै नेपाली दिदिबहिनिहरु,दाजुभाइहरु र बुबाआमाहरुलाई यस कार्यक्रममा सहभागी हुनको लागी आयोजक हार्दिक निमन्त्रणा गर्दछ। स्मरण रहोस विगतका बर्षहरुमा जस्तै यो बर्ष पनि अबस्य र अविस्मरणीय रमाइलो हुनेछ।


City Palace,

9720 Capital Ct,

Manassas, VA 20110

समय: ३.०० देखि ११.०० सम्म

Media Partners:



Congratulations !!!



Our past president and current advisor of America Nepal Helping Society (ANHS) Mr. Sagar Kandel got promotion to Store Manager at Walmart on Sykesville, MD @6400 Ridge Road, Suite 1. His promotion brings us confidence, motivation and inspiration to our community members. Please share the word and congratulate him as is this is our own promotion.
Sagar , You did it – Your promotion is just the first word in the first paragraph of the first page in your success story. There is lot more in store for you. Congratulations to you and your beautiful family
We are very proud of you.




madhu meena

Our Patron and social Worker Mr. Madhusudan Panthi has been appointed as a member of planning Commission for Town of Haymarket till June 30, 2017. We would like to congratulate for commitment for his public service for Nepalese community as well of peoples of Haymarket. Congratulation and Best wishes.



ANHS ACADEMY ( अमेरिका नेपाल शिक्षा सदन )  

America Nepal Helping Society (ANHS) is starting ANHS ACADEMY as nepali language and cultural school in manassas Virginia on February 13, 2016 (Sri- Panchami). Seats are limited, Please register as soon as possible to secure your seat.

ANHS Academy will start nepali language class for the children of age 4 to 13. ANHS Academy is committed to give quality service for our community in various means. There will be professional teachers to teach in the class room.



अमेरिका नेपाल सहयोगि समाज (America Nepal Helping Society) को आयोजनामा नेपाली महिला दिदीबहिनीहरुको महान चाड हरितालिका  ‘तीजको कार्यक्रम भर्जिनियाको मनाससमा हुने भएकोले डी सी मेट्रो एरियामा बस्ने सम्पूर्ण दिदीबहिनी एबम दाजुभाइहरुलाई गरिमामय उपस्थितिका लागि  आयोजक हार्दिक निमन्त्रणा ब्यक्त गर्दछ। हिन्दु नारीहरूको महान चाड हरितालिका तीज भाद्र शुक्ल तृतीयादेखि पञ्चमीसम्म मनाइदै आएको विशेष पौराणिक महत्व छ। यो पर्वमा विवाहित र अविवाहित महिलाहरूले आ–आफ्नो मनोकामना पूरा होस भनी ब्रत बस्ने गर्छन् ।पार्वतीले महादेव पति पाउँ भनि ब्रत बसेको पौराणिक मान्यता अनुसार यो पर्व मनाउने गरिन्छ । 

विगतका बर्षहरुमा जस्तै यस पटका पनि हामीहरू सबै मिली मनाससमा उल्लासपूर्ण बातावरणमा तीज पर्व मनाऔ रमाइलो गरौ,नाचौ,झुमौ।स्मरण रहोस अमेरिका नेपाल सहयोगि समाजले स्थापना काल देखि नै परम्परा, संस्कृति तथा सहयोगि भावनालाई प्रबर्धन गर्दै आई रहेको छ।

सम्पर्क/कार्यक्रम संयोजक:

सुनिता सुबेदी गौतम 703-229-3520

स्थान-     Best western Hotel
             10820 Ballsford Rood
             Manassas VA, 20109
मिती-      Sunday, Sep 06,2015.
समय-     3:00PM to 10:00 PM Sharp

(प्लिज नोट: हाम्रो तिजको प्रोग्राममा नि:शुल्क प्रबेसको ब्यबस्था गरिएको छ। साथै सस्थाको सहयोगार्थ खानाको लागि $5:00 पर ब्यक्ती सहयोग स्वरुप राखिएको छ। १० वर्ष भन्दा कमका बच्चालाई खाना शुल्क लाग्ने छैन!)

हेर्नुहोस केही झलकहरू बिगतका बर्षहरुबाट

for more:

search teej in manassas usa 2009 or 2010 or 2011 or 2012 or 2013 or 2014

Dear Community Member

Cordial reminder and invitation to Teej Celebration( Nepali Festival for women) Sunday September 06, 2015 at Battlefield Inn Best Western Hotel in Manassas from 3 PM to 10 PM.This is for our grand-moms, moms, aunts, sisters, wives, friends, girlfriends to have a real fun.
We have separate persons incharge of food and drinks department, fun department, and guest care department, and so on.Ladies, may you have the greatest fun ! Please bring along if you have a lady friend from outside community.

Teej honors Hindu goddess Parvati-symbols of ulter devotion and love. Both Married and unmarried Hindu women observe fast to seek blissful married life and happiness for their husband.The strict fast is then broken when the wife sees the moon and then eats sattu.
Teej festivities and its celebration are dedicated to Goddess Parvati, this is why its purely a festival of womenfolk.It was on this day that the divine couple lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati reunited with each other hundred of years.



America Nepal Helping Society welcomed the decision of Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson to designate Nepal for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 18 months based on the conditions resulting from the devastating magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck Nepal on April 25, 2015, and the subsequent aftershocks. As a result, eligible nationals of Nepal residing in the United States may apply for TPS with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).  On July 9, 2015, ANHS organized a program to inform Nepali community members who are eligible for this benefit.

Expectations were high today at the TPS information sharing program organized by the America Nepal Helping Society (ANHS), DC metro base community organization and USCIS. Members of the Nepali community gathered together to get information about the TPS designation for Nepal at Best Western Battlefield Inn in Manassas. Mr Padam R. Regmi, President of ANHS, welcomed all the guest members and applauded the support provided by the USCIS and thanked all the active community remembers.

USCIS Public affair officer, Joanne M. Ferreira (Media Division), Community Relations Officer Gloria Williams-Brevard had spoke on the program. They elaborated on eligibility criteria for TPS including that applicant have been both “continuously physically present” and “continuously residing “in the United States since June 24. Both officers have emphasized the benefit of TPS and other TPS-related fees and waiver process.

Outreach Representative from Senator Mark R. Warner’s office Ms Anh C. Phan  and Immigration lawyer Dr. Lava karki  also spoke on the event.  Ms Phan offered the continual support from Senator Mark R. Warner’s office. Dr. karki participated on Q& A session and provided valuable information about Temporary Protected Status (TPS).This program was conducted by Dr. Anup Pahari. Media support was provided by Ram Chandra Kharel, Sagarmatha Television and Bishwo R. Thapa of


TPS Designated Through: December 24, 2016
Registration Period for People Who are Applying for TPS: June 24, 2015 through December 21, 2015
Continuous Residence Date in U.S. Since: June 24, 2015
Continuous Physical Presence in U.S. Since: June 24, 2015
TPS Designation Date: June 24, 2015
Federal Register Notice Citation: 80 FR 36346

On June 24, 2015, The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the designation of Nepal for TPS and that eligible Nepalese nationals (and people without nationality who last habitually resided in Nepal) residing in the United States may apply for TPS.


If you are eligible to apply for TPS for Nepal, you must register during the initial 180-day registration period that runs from June 24, 2015 through December 21, 2015. We encourage you to register as soon as possible after the 180-day registration period opens.

Go to the TPS Web Page for information about what you need to file to register.


If you are filing an initial application for TPS, please follow instructions below. E-filing is not currently available for TPS for Nepal. You must send your TPS package by mail or courier to the appropriate address in the table below:

If you are sending your application by: Mail your application to:
U.S. Postal Service USCIS
P.O. Box 7555
Chicago, IL 60680
A non-U.S. Postal Service courier Attn: Nepal TPS
131 S. Dearborn 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603

For more information on TPS eligibility requirements, what to file, and step-by-step instructions on submitting your TPS application package, go the TPS Web page.

Last Reviewed/Updated: 06/24/2015


आगामी जुलाई ९ ,बिहिबार बेलुका ६ बजे देखि ८ बजे सम्म भर्जिनियाराज्यको मनासस स्थित BEST WESTERN मा अमेरिका नेपाल सहयोगी समाज (AMERICA NEPAL HELPING SOCIETY ) को पहल मा अमेरिका सरकारी संस्था USCIS को अधिकारिक कार्यक्रम हुन गैरहेको छ l उक्त कार्यक्रममा USCIS ( U.S. CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION SERVICES) को TPS (TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS ) मामला हेर्ने अधिकृत Miss Gloria Williams-Brevard र उहाको टोलिले TPS सम्बन्धि सम्पूर्ण जानकारी दिनु हुनेछ l

तसर्थ डिसी मेट्रो क्षेत्र आसपास बस्नु हुने सबै नेपाली दाजुभाई तथा दिदीबहिनीहरुलाई यस कार्यक्रममा सहभागिताका लागि आयोजक हार्दिक आग्रह गर्दछ |

स्मरण रहोस TPS नेपालमा विनासकारी भुकम्प गै सके पछि अमेरिकी सरकारले नेपालीलाई दिएको बिशेष सुबिधा हो |



स्थान- Best western Hotel 10820 Ballsford Rood Manassas VA, 20109
मिति: THRUSDAY JULY 9TH ,2015. समय- 6:00 PM-8 PM Sharp

Press Release


Fairfax County Fire and Rescue team and Volunteers honored for their rescue and relief work in Nepal

Spirits were high today at the Volunteer recognition program organized by the America Nepal Helping Society (ANHS), a Manassas based local community organization. Members of the Nepali community gathered together to honor the brave volunteers from Fairfax County Urban Search and Rescue who went to Nepal and performed exemplary rescue operations  immediately after the devastating earthquake that struck Nepal on  April 25, 2015.

ANHS has raised more than $73,000 in donations for the rescue and relief effort.  This included materials and medical care to be taken to the impacted people in the far flung areas of Nepal.  A small video was presented during the program to show the highlights of the work the team did while in Nepal. The team members were very emotional in presenting their eye-witnessed accounts of the level of devastation. These team members as well as other Nepali Americans who had gone to assist the relief effort were also honored during the program.

Virginia Congressman Rob Wittman, Delegate Bob Marshall and Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Nepal, Mr. Rishi Ghimire handed out the letters of recognition to the brave volunteers.

The program began with renditions of both the American and Nepali National Anthems and observance of a moment of silence for the lives lost due to the earthquake as well as for the brave men and women from US Marine Corps who lost their lives while attempting to rescue the victims.

ANHS presented a check for $32,599.62 to Nepal’s Prime Minister’s Disaster Relief Fund.

An eight year old girl, Kajal Panthi gave a check for $170 to DCM Mr. Ghimire, as a donation to the PM Disaster Relief Fund. The third grader saved the amount from her pocket money and wanted to donate for this noble cause.

From the Fairfax County Urban Search and Rescue team, Chief Chris Shiff spoke about their rescue work and all the hardships they faced. The gathered community members gave rounds of applause and expressed their honor to the Firefighters as well as the volunteers from Nepali American community.

Contact us: 15000 Gossom Manor Pl, Haymarket. VA 20169 